The Festival of Freedom, known as “IKONY WOLNOŚCI,” has been organized since 2022 by the Powiatowy Instytut Kultury (District Institute of Culture). We narrate the value of freedom for nations and each individual through exhibitions, concerts, meetings, workshops, and film screenings. Throughout the event, we pay tribute to individuals who have contributed significantly to the construction of an independent Poland, the ones who fought and sacrificed for the country during times of trial. We also honour those who, through their arduous and daily honest work, have contributed to Poland’s development, securing its place within the great family of free and democratic na– tions. These are the true Icons of Freedom.
Regrettably, recent years painfully illustrate that freedom is not bestowed once and for all. Therefore, it is worthwhile to speak and remind ourselves of individuals who can serve as examples and inspiration.
Who is an Icon of Freedom for you in your country, region, or city? Who inspires you? To whom do you owe living in a free and democratic state? Who built and strengthened it, working for its well-being? Share with us your Icons of Freedom. Together, let us construct a gallery of Heroes. Through this, we shall come to know each other better, as collective and solidarity actions of free nations are, after all, the guarantee of a free world.
We invite you to participate in Międzynarodowy Konkurs Plakatu „Ikony Wolności” Iłża 2024 – the First International Poster Competition “Icons of Freedom” in Iłża 2024.